Welcome to our new website!
Emms Stems Florist
Same Day Delivery Service
Local, National & Worldwide
With a genuine passion for creating the most beautiful and memorable bouquets and arrangements, and the vision to deliver the freshest flowers of the best possible quality. We are a florist who pride ourselves on high quality, painstaking detail to our work and to our customer care. The years of experience and the enjoyment we get from what we do is what makes us different.
Opening Hours:
Monday 9.30am to 1pm
Tuesday to Friday 9.30am to 4pm
Saturday 10am to 1pm
01263 834300
07810 542220
Christmas Event 2024!
Friday 8th November 5-8pm
Saturday 9th November 10-2pm
We return with our annual Christmas Event even bigger and with more local businesses joining us. Please do come along to our festive Christmas event.